National Geographic Magazine lżsir įlvęšingunni į Ķslandi
25.2.2008 | 02:18
Ég bendi į žessa fķnu grein ķ marshefti National Geograpic sem heitir "Power Struggle". Reyndar er ég ekki alveg hlutlaus žvķ ég leišsagši Marguerite Del Giudice, höfundi greinarinnar, um Ķsland ķ tvęr vikur haustiš 2006 žegar hśn aflaši sér heimilda ķ greinina. Löngu sķšar, nokkrum mįnušum fyrir birtingu, var mér fališ aš lesa greinina og yfirfara ķslenska stafsetningu og stašreyndir.
Allur er varinn góšur
As soon as you open your mouth, one observer said, theyre all over you. Its like living on a mobiledisturbing any part of it could generate a ripple throughout. So while Iceland in many ways remains an open and transparent society, theres an underlying guardedness among the people when it comes to talking politics and public policyconcerning such things as how the country should go about striking a balance between protecting its environment and growing its economy, which is more or less what this story is about.
Višhorf til Reykvķkinga
They [the people from Reykjavik] want to come here in their Jeeps and have a look at the beautiful nature and the people too. And the people must be few and the more strange the better, says Smįri Geirsson, a high school history teacher and onetime head of the 16-member association of eastern municipalities, shaking his bowed head.
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.